Here's two that I actually have pictures of (albeit terrible cell phone pictures) do I not take pictures of these things?? I think I've made 8 or 9 dresses now...some are really quick pillowcase dresses using old t-shirts of mine, others are more involved with patterns like the first one pictured, but they are still so easy to make, and pretty difficult to mess up...perfect for me! I think the most fun is picking out the fabrics, though. SO many cute prints just begging to be turned in to little outfits!
Anyway, hope some of you are still out there, I miss my blogging land buddies and hope to get back to it. I have a few exciting ideas up my sleeves right now that I'll share once they become a reality (but ya know I can't share too soon because then I'll be held accountable and I still want to be able to back out at the last minute if I need to, HA!)