Back when I started envisioning what the nursery would look like, I was adamantly against it being too pink. I am just not a super girly person and wanted something kind of girly but not over board, so I was planning on purple and yellow. I found some fabulous Kate Spain fabric that was perfect, but when I went to color match for the paint it was definitely pink. I was in denial for a while and called it a "pinkish purple", but let's be honest's PINK. And I love it.
This is by far my favorite part of the whole room. I love love love these fabic hoops. I used scraps of the fabrics that I used throughout the room, and printed some cute animal silhouettes and baby girl's initial to applique on some of them. They really add a fun touch to the room! Best part is I got these hoops at the thrift store for like $5 total, so this wall art was very close to free!
The crib skirt went through a few variations before I finally settled on a simple, slightly ruffled skirt. I opted against making a crib bumper since they say those aren't safe for baby and went with this store bought breathable one that matches well enough. I also decided not to make any crib sheets, I thought with the fabrics I had it would be way over kill, and also not exactly cost effective, so we went with plain white sheets which I think adds some nice contrast and goes with the crib well.
So see that table runner? Sad story...I originally had not quilted it, thinking it was just a table runner so there was no need to. Well, let this serve as a public service announcement: If it is going in a baby's room, it MUST be washable! When baby had been home only a few days, we had an "incident" that required me to throw that in the wash, and well, it didn't end well...some of the seams ripped and of course the batting got all weird like it's supposed to, but totally ruined the look of the runner. I patched up the rips and quickly ran some wavy quilt lines to hold it together so it's usable but I actually really do not like it now. Sad, it was one of my favorite pieces in the room before! I so wish I had a picture of it before it got messed up (ok, so I actually wish I had made it right to begin with...)
The diaper stacker and window valance are made using the fabric that started it all! It is hard to tell but the valance is trimmed with some pretty green crystals. I decided to accent with green to try to take some of the edge off of the pink, and I think it worked out perfectly with the little green in that print. I also made the roman shades, I did it the proper way so it took forever...turns out being 8 months pregnant and sitting on the floor hand stitching on a billion little rings is not a fun thing to do. Next time I'm totally taking one of the short cuts I find all the time on Pinterest...
Well there you have it! I love how the room turned out. I feel like it is nice and bright and fun for a little girl, but also something that she can grow with. The whole reason I was inspired to start sewing to begin with was the dream of being able to create a nice nursery for my (at the time future) baby and I feel so satisfied that I was able to do just that!