Saturday, March 10, 2012

New Look

I finally made my own banner! Ellison Lane Quilts posted a tutorial of how to make a button using a new photo editor-PicMonkey (since Piknik will no longer be with us come April...) I've never tried making one before but she made it look so easy so I gave it a try, but altered the sizes to make a banner (in case you're curious and wanting to do this also, I resized mine to 1000x360, I went back and resized it a few times as I was adding it to my blog until I found the fit I wanted). It was really fast and fun, and my blog feels so much more official now! I found PicMonkey to be very easy to use, but it is still pretty basic.  Their main page says "Collage and More Coming Soon" though, so I'm hopeful! It is totally free, and you don't even have to register to use it which is a plus to me since I'm always forgetting my user names/passwords.  I'll definitely be playing around with it some more, which means you'll probably be seeing my blog change quite frequently as I find more fun things to do :)

What do you think of the orange-y feel now? I'm not sure I'm sold on this color scheme yet, but it's growing on me.  Any other programs out there that you use to make banners/buttons?


  1. I LOVE the new look!!!! Such a happy place to come visit! Thanks for sharing how you learned this, I might go give it a try as well. So pretty!!

  2. I meant to say earlier that I like your new look too :)
