Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Spoiler Alert! Christmas gifts in progress!

Now that Thanksgiving is over, I can acknowledge that Christmas is coming! (Read: I have realized that I have waited too long to start making Christmas gifts / decorations and now will be in a sewing craze for the next 24 days...) But, that means I have lots of Works In Progress to share for my first link of with WIP-Wednesdays at Freshly Pieced! Fair warning though, the picture quality may not be the highest on these, my hubby has apparently high-jacked my memory card and so I had to use an iPhone to take these!
WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced

Welcome to my bag factory Santa's Workshop!
  Disaster area 1
please don't judge me for my mess...
Disaster area 2
just realized how weird it probably looks to have a sharpening stone and "real" tape measurer on my cutting table...they are used for fabric weights (yes I'm in desperate need of some sewing notions...)

It's a complete disaster, which is usually how I roll, but this is getting a little out of hand...In fact, the only thing stopping me from cutting into more projects is the fact that I do not have anymore room to do so until I clear some stuff out. So, right now I have one project "in the machine", one "on the cutting table", a few in the "cutting queue", and of course a few in the "planning stage".  All but one of these are Christmas gifts, and most of the ladies on my list are getting purses. I had so much fun picking out fabric for each of them, trying to find just the right print for their style. Hopefully I got it right! (And also hopefully none of them are reading this blog....)

In the machine: Amy Butler bag for my BFF.  She looked through my Amy Butler book a few months ago and really liked this, I was nervous to try to make it as its rated a little harder, but I think I can manage.

WIP-Christmas gift

On the Cutting Table: Two more Amy Butler Bags for my hubby's Mom and Gramma. They have a little bit more traditional tastes, so I tried to keep the fabric a little toned down....
WIP-Christmas gifts

In the Cutting Queue: Another Amy Butler bag...have I mentioned I love Amy Butler patterns? I've not used too many other patterns that turn out as good as hers do, so when I came across these on sale at my LQS I had to get them.

WIP-Christmas gift

In the Planning Stages: I just ordered some fabric to make quick blankets for my newphews, they love the movie cars, so I got some Cars fleece and some solid flannel and I'll do a simple straight line quilting on them and use felt to put their names on them. Also, I'm really hoping to make this Nativity wall hanging quilt.  I actually bought this magazine solely for this pattern about 2 months ago. I'm not sure I'll get to it in time for Christmas, but I plan to still make it so it'll be ready for next year!
WIP-Nativity wall hanging

Finishes: I do actually have one finish for this week, and you guessed it, it's another Amy Butler bag. This one went together pretty quickly and I think it is just perfect for the friend I made it for (though the photo does not do it justice...)

Finished! Christmas gift
Finished! Christmas gift

Between all of these bags and things I also still need to get my tree up and decorate! So much to do, so little time...wish me luck!


  1. Oh wow. I feel like a complete bump on a log over here. Good for you! I am no where and still in a post thanksgiving slump I think. I can't wait to see your bag for your BFF, great fabric choice! You have some lucky recipients of some beautiful things planned. I am determined to get my Christmas tree up this weekend so I am wishing us both some luck!

  2. Your bag and the others in progress look great! I've heard many people are intimidated by Amy Butler's patterns. Are they scary? Looks like you are showing them who's boss!

  3. Thanks! Some of the patterns are little scarey, but the nice thing about her book "Style Stitches" is that it goes in order from beginner type projects to more experienced type. The one up there that is actually finished is the Teardrop Bag and that was a little easier and came together quickly. The one I'm working on now (the Blossom Handbag) is one of the more difficult ones and has been a bit tricky, but her directions are pretty clear and concise so it's coming along!

  4. Love your Teardrop bag. I have the book but haven't actually finished anything yet. I've started one but not finished it. I also love your fabric choices.
